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Complaints' Activities
Title:Removing a fence on a plot of land, Abu Hammad Center
News Date:November 6, 2024November 6, 2024
Eng. Hazem El-Ashmouny, Governor of Sharkia, stressed the need for permanent and effective communication with citizens and resolving their complaints in all ways, which are received through the unified government complaints system, social media and WhatsApp, in addition to field follow-up and engagement with citizens, listening to their problems and working to solve them. In a distress call to the "Your Voice is Heard" complaints service, building a fence on a plot of land within the urban area disputed between the heirs without a license or permit. Officials in the local unit removed part of the fence, which is about 30 meters long and about two meters high, and the removal was not completed completely, demanding the complete removal of the violation. In order to preserve the prestige of the state and restore its right, the director of the electronic portal for the unified government complaints system in Sharkia responded to the citizen's distress call and the complaint was examined immediately. In a related context, the portal manager contacted the presidency of Abu Hammad Center and City, and it reported that the organization and occupation officials went to the place of complaint and carried out the complete removal of the aforementioned wall and took legal measures against the violator, out of faith and concern for the state’s capabilities.
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