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Complaints' Activities
Title: Immediate response to Ali Fahmy Street residents in Minya Al-Qamh regarding the continued opening of workshops after the official closing times.
News Date:July 6, 2024July 6, 2024
In implementation of the directives and instructions of Eng. Hazem Al-Ashmouni, Governor of Al-Sharkia, on the necessity of permanent and effective communication with citizens and resolving their complaints in all ways, which are received through the unified government complaints system, social media, WhatsApp, and websites, in addition to field follow-up, interacting with citizens, listening to their problems, and working to solve them. In implementation of the decision of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to reduce electricity loads and rationalize consumption within the specified closing times. The director of the electronic portal for the unified government complaints system in Sharqia responded to the complaint monitored via Facebook (face book) for the unified complaints system in Sharkia, in which the people of Ali Fahmy Street, which is the old church street headed by the center and city of Minya al-Qamh, are affected by the continued opening of workshops and stores until eleven o’clock in the evening, in violation of the official closing times of ten o’clock in the evening issued by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The director of the electronic portal immediately contacted the presidency of the center and city of Minya al-Qamh to quickly resolve the complaint. The presidency of the center reported that immediately after receiving the complaint, field follow-up officials at the center inspected the streets to find out the activities targeted by the decision, take into account the excluded activities, and intensify field follow-up and campaigns to alert the owners of the complaint. Shops and commercial activities implement the closure decision in accordance with the scheduled dates to rationalize electricity, stressing the commitment of commercial activity owners to implement the closure decision in accordance with the scheduled dates to rationalize electricity consumption for the public good. The residents expressed their happiness at the quick and immediate response to solve the problem and thanked the Governor of Al-Sharkia and the concerned authorities.
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