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English > Services > Portal Services > Mashro3ak program

Targeted projects:

New Micro, small and medium enterprises that are existing, in all sectors of economic activity.

Geographical scope: all governorates

Fields of using loans that will be granted to clients:

1- Financing the purchase of machinery, equipment and fixtures.

- Financing the current activity (raw materials and operating expenses)

3- Financing livestock projects.

4- Self-employed professions.

Minimum of The borrower’s contribution to the project, repayment period allowance, and revenues

The size of the funding

borrower’s contribution

repayment period and allowance


Up to 25 thousand pound


12 months


Greater than 25 to 100 thousand pound


Medium term loan with a maximum of 5 years, including an allowance period, with a maximum of one year

A return rate of 12% is applied for financing up to 3 years, and 13% for financing over 3 and 5 years

Greater than 100 to 250 thousand pound


Greater than 250 thousand pounds up to 2 million pounds


Greater than 2 million pounds


According to the results of the project study



The appropriate guarantees are obtained according to the circumstances of each case, which may include: -

1. Insurance against risks of non-payment and insurable material risks.

2. Appropriate personal guarantees.

3. Project assets.

4. The appropriate commercial papers are dated according to the scheduled payment program.

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