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First solidarity program:

Provides conditional cash assistance to groups who suffer from extreme poverty and who have children in different stages of education or young children who need health care.

Admission terms:

§  The poor family that submits the application must have children from birth to 18 years.

Required Documents:

·         National ID card of the mother and family members.

·         Children's birth certificates

·         The monthly amounts of the family in the solidarity program are 325 pounds in addition to (60 pounds for the primary student, 80 pounds for the preparatory student, 100 pounds for the high school student)

Second Dignity program:

Dignity program provides unconditional and continuous cash assistance to individuals who suffer from severe poverty and have not been able to work and these groups are (the elderly over 65 years without fixed pension and those who have a total disability or complete disability).

Required Documents:

·         National ID number of the applicant and the pensioner (the mother if she is present in the family and the disabled people will have a qualification certificate from the medical commission)

·         Monthly amounts of 350 pounds will be paid per person in the family, with a maximum of 3 members per family.

Third, the probative documents for the solidarity and Dignity program are as follows:

1. A copy of the valid national ID card and on the current address of individuals 18 years and over

2. A copy of the marriage voucher

3. A copy of mechanized birth certificate for all family members (computer certificate) for individuals under 18 years of age

4. A copy of the mechanized catering card with the name of the catering office, if any

5. School registration for all children from 6 to 18 years old and student enrollment for all enrollments

6. A copy of the divorce voucher for divorced man / women

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