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Title:Al-Sharkia Governor inspects Al-Jawsaq Road / Salmant Slipway paving works, Belbeis Center
News Date:July 22, 2024

 In continuation of his inspection visit to Al-Zawamil Industrial Area....

Engineer Hazem Al-Ashmouni, Governor of Al-Sharqia, went to inspect the work of paving and raising the efficiency of Al-Jawsaq Road to Salamant Slipway in Belbeis Center, with a length of 12.5 km and a cost of 7 million and 387 thousand pounds, in order to determine the performance rates and implementation rates and push the wheel of work for the citizens' benefit.

Engineer Ahmed Fawzi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Roads and Transport, provided a detailed explanation to Al-Sharkia Governor about the ongoing works of the road, and it was noted that the work of paving and raising the efficiency of Al-Jawsaq Road to the Salamant Slipway in Belbeis Center is being completed, with a length of 12.5 km and a cost of 7 million and 387 thousand pounds, and it is being built in two phases.

The governor stressed on the Undersecretary Ministry of Roads and Transport to follow up on the assigned companies to carry out the works, obligate them to the specified timetable and to be committed to the standard specifications, in order to improve the infrastructure and provide the best services to the citizens.

The governor affirmed that the governorate, with all its executive systems, is making every effort to improve the services which are provided to the citizens in all areas that citizens need and provide them with the best services.

The governor was accompanied by Dr. Ahmed Abdel Muti, Deputy Governor, Engineer Ahmed Fawzi, Undersecretary Roads and Transport, and Engineer Mohamed Salah, General Manager of Projects at the Directorate of Roads and Transport.

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