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Title:Al-Sharkia Governor: Regular workflow in the wheat supply system
News Date: July 21, 2024
Eng. Hazem Al-Ashmouni, Al-Sharkia Governor, announced that the local wheat supply rate has increased to 616,695 tons and 098 kilograms since the start of the supply season in the middle of last April within the storage sites within the governorate. The governor praised the effort made by all concerned parties, especially those working in storage sites, silos, and barns, in facilitating procedures for citizens and farmers when supplying wheat, starting from the sorting stage to determine the degree of purity until unloading into the storage sites. For his part, Eng. Abdul Karim Awadallah, Director of the Supply Directorate in Al-Sharkia, explained that owners of feed factories and those responsible for their management are prohibited from using local wheat, whether alone or mixed with hay, grains, or any other materials in the components of all kinds of feed, or possessing it for the purpose of use. The Director of the Supply added that the wheat supplied is stored in intact jute bags and on wooden stakes or pallets and covered with tarpaulins and covers.
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