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City and Center News
Title:Follow-up of Welcome Ramadan exhibitions, Al Qanayat City
News Date:February 19, 2025
Eng. Hazem El-Ashmouny, Governor of Sharkia, assigned the heads of centers, cities and neighborhoods to follow up on the field and tighten control over markets and shops to ensure the availability of food commodities at reasonable prices and control markets to combat high prices, and to ease the burden on ordinary citizens. In this context, Mr. Mohamed Mahmoud, Head of Al Qanayat Center and City, in cooperation with the Department of Environmental Affairs, Economic Affairs, Veterinary Medicine, Health and Supply and the various departments concerned with the presidency of the center, followed up on Welcome Ramadan exhibition held next to Al-Nasr Mosque in Al Qanayat City, as well as the shops participating in the Ahlan Ramadan exhibitions to provide goods at reduced prices to ease the burden on citizens, as well as follow up on prices, production history, product expiration date and product quality displayed to citizens. The head of the center also stressed the cleanliness of the place and alerted the committee in charge of the exhibition to take all necessary measures to preserve the safety and health of citizens.
Source: Al Qanayat City Presidency
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