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City and Center News
Title:Head of Faqus directs the intensification of lifting vunauthorized banners and advertisements on the city’s streets
News Date: July 7, 2024
In implementation of the directives of Engineer Hazem Al-Ashmouni, Governor of Al-Sharqiya, regarding improving the services of centers and cities, removing illegal occupancies, and beautifying the squares within the scope of each center separately. In this context, Mr. Accountant Muhammad Al-Abasiri, head of the Faqus Center and City, in coordination with the Advertising Department, launched a campaign to remove unlicensed banners and advertisements on the city’s streets, including (Lessons - Production - Project). The campaign resulted in the seizure and removal of 28 violating advertisements, in addition to removing a number of advertising posters and banners. The head of the center stressed the need to intensify the work of removing the works on an ongoing basis in order to preserve the cultural appearance of the city and the local units. The head of the center also confirmed that campaigns are continuing to remove all unlicensed banners and advertisements to preserve the aesthetic appearance
Source: Faqus Center and City
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