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industral zones:
First: Industrial Zones
Belbeis Industrial Zone
Belbeis Industrial Zone is located on the [Belbeis - 10th of Ramadan] road. Prime Minister’s Decision No. [2110] of 2000 was issued regarding it approving an area of ​​[72 acres] as an industrial zone. Then Prime Minister’s Decision No. 884 of 2001 was issued to add other areas to it [198 acres] as an industrial zone. Then Resolution No. [173] of 2017 was issued expanding the area by [19.6 acres] so that the total area became [289.6 acres] in the name of Belbeis Industrial Zone. Executive position of Belbeis Industrial Zone: - The total number of factories is 294 factories. The total number of workers is approximately 20,000 workers. The volume of investments in the region is approximately 2 billion. The most important activities in the region: The area is characterized by the presence of various activities [food - paper - engineering - metallurgy - electrical - building materials - services, in addition to other industrial activities.
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