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English > Entities > Directorates > Health Affairs
First: Treatment Services
• Providing treatment services to patients, including medical examination and diagnostic services, such as x-rays, laboratory tests and blood bank services.
• Receiving all accidents and emergency cases that followed up by surgical operations and intensive care services.
• Follow-up the special cases which need continuity such as patients of Chronic Renal Failure.
• Providing critical care services such as burn cases and toxic cases.
• Providing pharmaceutical services for each case according to their diagnosis.
• Services of monitoring for all private medical facilities and issuing licenses for them, as well as issuing closure decisions for the illegal medical facilities.
Second: preventive services

• Childhood vaccinations to prevent dangerous diseases.
• Vaccination of pilgrims, Umrah and travelers abroad against.
• Health awareness and education to spread health awareness and behavior among citizens.
• Monitor infectious diseases and take preventive measures to prevent their spread.
• Controlling food products.
• Take preventive procedures in cases of food and chemical poisoning.
• Implement a follow-up program for pregnancy and childbirth for safe motherhood.
• Follow-up of newborns and early detection and treatment of diseases.
• Conducting thyroid analysis, early detection of thyroid hormone deficiency and early treatment procedures.
• Comprehensive medical survey to discover and treat cases of HCV infection.
• Providing curative services in basic care units and providing medicines according to the list of essential medicines.
• Conducting a comprehensive medical examination for school students for early detection and treatment of diseases.
• Conducting parasite analyzes for school students to discover positive cases and provide the necessary treatment for them.
• Implementing family planning programs by providing safe means to separate pregnancies according to the mother's health status and providing advice to targeted mothers to control the population problem and implementing medical convoys for slums.
• Providing medical services to deprived areas by establishing basic care units, maternal and child care centers and medical centers.
• Conducting the necessary medical examinations before marriage
Third: Dental services
• Dental examination, all kinds of fillings, extraction, teeth cleaning, gum treatment, nerve treatment, movable dentures and drug therapy.
• Follow-up children's teeth and medical education.
• Follow-up teeth during pregnancy.
Fourth: Combating endemic disease
• Conducting examination campaigns for schistosomiasis and intestinal parasites and treat the infected cases.
• Control of snails carrying schistosomiasis and intestinal parasites by examining waterways and controlling with the necessary pesticides.
• Combating of disease-transmitting insects and combating rodent.
• Treatment cases of malaria, filaria and leishmaniasis.
• Control of mosquito larvae in drains and canals.
Fifth: pharmacy services
• Periodic inspection of private and government pharmaceutical establishments and drug stores.
• Implementing ministerial decisions regarding compulsory pricing of medicines in all pharmaceutical establishments.
• Obtaining the necessary pharmacy licenses for all pharmaceutical establishments and revoking them in case of violation according to the law.
• Examine medicines that have been received from police stations.
• Inspection of governmental hospitals to organize the drug system.
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