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English > Entities > Centers & Main towns > Qourain City
Contact Information
AdressAl-Qourain City Entrance - Al-Mostashfa StreetAl-Qourain City Entrance - Al-Mostashfa Street
Phone055-3441122 - 055- 3440573055-3441122 - 055- 3440573

About the city

Al-Qourain is one of the old cities in Egypt, and it was mentioned in several topics from history, the most famous of which is the killing of Sultan Saif al-Din Qutuz in 658 AH / 1260 CE after his victory over the Tatars in the position of Ain Jalut.

The road used to go from Cairo to Belbeis and then Al Qourain to Sinai, and these roads were known as the Sultan's way or Raml Road. The path is in the middle of the Sultanate Road.

Al-Qourain is one of the cities of a special nature due to the nature of its composition and the intertwining of fruit and agricultural gardens with residential areas, as well as the conditions of its transformation from a village to a city and its large population size, where the city is ranked sixth in terms of the number of residents among the eastern governorates.

Administrative division
The total number of manors and hamlets is (22)

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