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English > Entities > Centers & Main towns > Belbes City
What has been implemented of the strategic plan
Electricity sector
· Lighting tools and equipment were purchased for the city of Belbeis by funding of EGP 200,000, with a 100% implementation rate. · The columns of Port Said and Abdel Nasser Street and the Agricultural Administration of Belbeis were replaced and renovated by funding of 300,000 pounds, with a 100% implementation rate. · The efficiency of lighting a part of the treaty road from the upper bridge to the Hawes Bridge in Belbeis was raised by funding of 150 thousand pounds, at a rate of 100%. · Lighting tools and equipment were purchased for the local unit, with Awlad Saif, by funding of 130,000 pounds, with a 100% implementation rate. · Lighting poles with their components were purchased to be installed for the local unit with Awlad Seif, by funding of 120,000 pounds, with a 100% implementation rate. · Lighting poles with its components were purchased to be installed for the local unit in Plashon by funding of 240,000 pounds, with a 100% implementation rate.  
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