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English > Entities > Centers & Main towns > Dierb Negm City
Contact Information
AdressDiarb Negm - Al Orouba St., next to Diarb Negm Police Station
About the city

·        This area is called Diarb Negm, in reference to Najm al-Din al-Ayyubi, who camped with his soldiers in this region during the Crusader war.

·        Diarb Negm Center is located near Al Dakahlia Governorate, Zagazig City, Al-Ibrahimiyyah Center, and Hehya Center. The area of ​​the center is 231.9 km2 and is the eighth center in Al Sharkia governorate, with 5.53% of the governorate's area.

Administrative division

The total number of local units in the center (7) units, the total number of villages (44) villages, and the total number of manors (169).

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