1. The authority undertakes planning educational buildings, developing standards and specifications for their design, and determining building systems and rules in light of a scientific plan.. It also takes all necessary steps to construct and maintain educational buildings.
2. It develops a general scientific planning for educational buildings at the level of the Republic. It determines the needs of each governorate according to the population density and the cultural and natural conditions of the environment.
3. Preparing technical studies for the specifications and needs of educational buildings in accordance with advanced educational methods.
4. Determining the architectural programs and technical needs that are required to design the different models of schools necessary for the stages of education and its specialized types, in accordance with the conditions of each governorate.
5. Developing annual programs for the implementation of educational buildings.
6. Taking the necessary measures regarding establishing and equipping the necessary buildings and lands, carrying out the necessary maintenance and supervising them.
7. Taking ownership expropriation measures for the currently rented buildings or lands needed for schools when necessary, with adequate allocations for that.
8. Working to provide typical school furniture and equipment by purchase or manufacture.