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عنصر جديدعنصر جديد

مقدم الطلب




الوحدة المحلية


الرقم القومى


عنوان مقدم الطلب


تليفون مقدم الطلب








رقم الطلب


موضوع الطلب

طلب تصريح بتوصيل مرافق للمبانى الجديدة 

مدة إنتهاء الطلب

خمسة عشرة يوما 

تاريخ إنتهاء الطلب


موقف التنفيذ


رأى الوحدة المحلية

Air Conditioning Installation

Air Conditioning Installation
Did you know air conditioning systems not only provide cooling but cost effective heating all year round? Whether you need an air conditioner installation for your home or business, you can rely on MAC’s team of fully F-Gas qualified engineers and specialist advisors to help you select which product or service will best suit your needs. Our services extend throughout a full range of different properties including air conditioning in the home or in the office, but also include commercial buildings and even industrial sites providing a bespoke service to ensure we don’t just meet your expectations, our mission is to exceed them.
For all aircon installations or simply maintenance or repair, MAC’s knowledgable office-based specialists and highly experienced mobile team of engineers are there to help you find the best ac solution to match your specific requirements.

#To know about more visit our website:

رأى مديرية الزراعة

Air Conditioning Installation

Air Conditioning Installation
Did you know air conditioning systems not only provide cooling but cost effective heating all year round? Whether you need an air conditioner installation for your home or business, you can rely on MAC’s team of fully F-Gas qualified engineers and specialist advisors to help you select which product or service will best suit your needs. Our services extend throughout a full range of different properties including air conditioning in the home or in the office, but also include commercial buildings and even industrial sites providing a bespoke service to ensure we don’t just meet your expectations, our mission is to exceed them.
For all aircon installations or simply maintenance or repair, MAC’s knowledgable office-based specialists and highly experienced mobile team of engineers are there to help you find the best ac solution to match your specific requirements.

#To know about more visit our website:

رأى المساحة

Air Conditioning Installation

Air Conditioning Installation
Did you know air conditioning systems not only provide cooling but cost effective heating all year round? Whether you need an air conditioner installation for your home or business, you can rely on MAC’s team of fully F-Gas qualified engineers and specialist advisors to help you select which product or service will best suit your needs. Our services extend throughout a full range of different properties including air conditioning in the home or in the office, but also include commercial buildings and even industrial sites providing a bespoke service to ensure we don’t just meet your expectations, our mission is to exceed them.
For all aircon installations or simply maintenance or repair, MAC’s knowledgable office-based specialists and highly experienced mobile team of engineers are there to help you find the best ac solution to match your specific requirements.

#To know about more visit our website:

أسم المسئول

Air Conditioning 

تليفون العمل


تليفون المحمول

تم إنشاء في 26/04/2024 07:56 ص  بواسطة  
تم إجراء آخر تعديل في 26/04/2024 07:56 ص  بواسطة  
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة للبوابة الإلكترونية لمحافظة الشرقية 2020
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